Indigenous Research Conference 2020

We were proud to have one of our former team members, Pip Bennett, present "What will it take?" at the International Indigenous Research Conference, "Gathering of Indigenous Minds" in 2020. The conference brings indigenous researchers together to share knowledge and research from their respective fields as indigenous scholars.

The conference is organised by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga - New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence. This was the first time Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga had coordinated a solely online conference, and it ran effectively and smoothly. It involved numerous 10-minute discussions as well as panels that people could dial into via Zoom. Pip spoke on the topic of te reo Māori revitalisation.

In our talk presented by Pip, she introduced a project we are proud to be working on, He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori. As quantitative researchers we were excited to be able to present at this conference alongside indigenous leaders in their respective fields. Pip explained the background of our project which uses data from different sources to examine what it will take to create a positive effect on te reo Māori proficiency in Aotearoa. Check out Pip's presentation below.


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